everything you need,
from now until the final cut.

what comes next?

We made it! Now that we have honed in on our visions, and put all of the care and attention that we possibly could have into production, the rest of the magic begins!

Throughout this process, check back on this page for current and past versions, references, and anything else Post Production related. Are you ready?



Once your first cut is ready to view, you will be able to check it out here! Included with every version will be a link to a Vimeo Review page where you will be able to mark sections and make notes at exactly the right time, both in the video and in your day. Check back regularly between revision meetings.

(in the meantime, enjoy one of our favorite stories :))


Still to come…


Some Bunny Shoot

Date: TBD
Location: Hannah’s Bad Ass Workshop


Box / Product Shoot

Date: February 20, 2022
Location: Petrichor Collective

First Cut

Date: TBD
Once shooting with Hannah has wrapped, we will have a more accurate timeframe for your first cut!


First Cut Review Meeting

Date: TBD
As we get closer to cuts being ready, we will schedule a viewing meeting to discuss all notes.

